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Abdelli - Das ist die poetische und leidenschaftliche Musik eines Mannes der dem einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert die traditionelle Kultur seiner Heimat näher bringt.
Er arbeitet mit Musikern aus Südamerika und der Ukraine zusammen.
Abdelli is a Berber of the Kabyle people, indigenous North Africans who inhabited the region since pre-Arab times. His instrument is the mandole, an Algerian instrument that is similar to the Portuguese guitar. Abdelli blends traditional Berber music with Arab music of the urban environment. His musical ensemble includes Moroccans, a percussionist on darbukka and bendir, violinist, and a Tunisian ney (flute) player. He currently lives in exile in Belgium, has won continental acclaim for his performances and collaborations throughout Europe and has recorded with the Real World label.

Afrika Nord
CD "New Moon"
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Real World Musiker aus dem nördlichen Afrika
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